PinnedAutomate your SQL Data Lineage Mapping using Azure Data FactoryOverview: Automatically generate a mapping document (lineage) for all your SQL Objects (Tables, Views, Procedures) using Azure Data…Jul 2, 2024Jul 2, 2024
PinnedThe Illusion of Scarcity — How Consumerism Keeps Us HookedThe history of ethics is a sad tale of failures. However, the capitalist-consumerist ethic is revolutionary, people dolive upto their…Oct 26, 2023Oct 26, 2023
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Why Employees Don’t Always Follow the Company’s Code?If you want it done, then go. If not, then send. - Julius CaesarApr 8, 2024Apr 8, 2024
Book Summary: Tools Of Titans by Tim FerrissTools of Titans is a collection of over a hundred podcast episodes of The Tim Ferriss Show, a compilation of the tactics, routines, and…Sep 18, 2022Sep 18, 2022
To-Do Lists: The Paradoxical Productivity ToolLet’s talk about productivity.May 23, 20211May 23, 20211